Flame at Needle ???

  • Hi all

    Ok #1 All initial problems solved and thank you
    #2 This is not my only lamp..but my first Petromax
    #3 No.2 is important in that everyone does not think im a complete idiot :bang:
    #4 In my opinion Pelem mantles seem a little weak???Is there a stronger one that anyone would recommend.

    I am 100% sure have followed all procedures correctly and now the lamp is working fine (Rapid heater was loose also)..But now i have mantle problems.

    I let the rapid heater ignite the first mantle and closed rapid heater to leave the mantle finish burning..Started lamp and noticed a big hole at the end of mantle

    Second mantle(First lit with a match) has now blowin a hole(without any starting explosions) where it meets the nozzle.
    :motz: :motz:

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Hi Michael,

    hmmm, you ordered your mantles right at Pelam?

    The same problems described another user in the german-speaking part, and it is not the first time that this problem occurs.
    Try to contakt Pelam for other mantles, this should help - propably you'll get other ones.

    There are also good mantles from other producers fitting the Petromax verry well, like Coleman 1111 goldtop mantles or Luxor 500CP :done:

    Best regards, Björn

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • Excellent

    Thanks Bjorn :done:..Now that all my problems are fixed i dont know what to talk about!!! :D

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Great, i'll get me a Greenore, have a nice evening and always goodlight :done:

    Best regards, Björn:prost:

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • haha..Cheers..I would like to buy another lamp..if i could just think of a way to sneak it into the shed without the Boss lady noticing :frau:

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Diddi
    Sorry i missed your post..and thanks for the tips...I was guilty of not waiting the 90s for pre heating also...I gave it the full 90s this time and its running fine now Cheers

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Bjorn

    I got some butterfly mantles, good strong mantle and a great price! but a little small in lenght..Which mantle is the biggest?
    Luxor or the coleman goldtop or others?


    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Hi Michael,

    Luxor gets a bit more round than Coleman Goldtop,

    Butterfly is ok, but best are/were Aladdin-Maxxbrite - but they did not reach produktion and died in market-testing:traurig:

    A trick to get a bit more light may be the following:

    Place a new Butterfly-mantle in your lamp, than before lighting it up for first time pull it a bit to get more length.
    After that, rinse Alcohol/Ethanol over your new mantle, it may touch the protectionplate by now, than light it up and let the mantle burn completely.
    After the mantle burned completely, wait for 10 minutes to let it cool down, than start normally by preheating and opening the handwheel by1,5-2 BAR.

    Your Mantle should be recognizably bigger than starting in normal way :done:
    Good luck, Björn

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • I will give it a try Bjorn

    Thanks for the advice once again..

    Im trying so hard not to buy another lamp...The internet is full of temptations :user::gaehn:

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • fall for the temptation :done:

    My wife :frau: recognizes on cold camping-evenings, that those lamps aren't noisy and smelly but making warm hands and feet also. :applaudit: :naughty:

    She by now possesses about 2 or 3 stormlanterns...

    Everything goes its way in life

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • Yes you are right :applaudit:

    I shall buy a lamp for myself and 1 for the :frau: for her birthday :naughty: and then i will take it from her! :naughty: :naughty:

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • uh uh, be careful.... :geschenk: :frau::aua:

    My litle "witch" wanted those stormlanterns, because there was a Helloween-Airbrush-edition, and on another one was a big dragon - she collects dragons.

    I do not have the valour to give her a lamp for present, that she does not want - and even worse would be to take it for me afterwards :rauch:

    I wish you luck, Sire Michael, fighting the "Homedragon" for the right of another Petromax :fechten: :naughty:

    Best regards, Björn

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • Hello,

    perhaps Michael got the same kind of :frau: like me...
    I bought a blow torch and a stormlatern recently, now i don't have access to them any more, they were brought to their destination: decoration on the window seat. In order to keep my Petromax, i bought her a Geniol Latern of the Bundeswehr (German Army) :done:

    And she likes the smell of that stuff :applaudit:

    So I wish you the best luck!


    P.S: Björn: Does the explanation of lighting up the mantle for better yield of light listen up in the german part of the forum? Its the first time I hear about that procedure (pull it to get more length). Do you manage that without the glas mounted? Thx

  • Nope. ill pull it before placing in the inner chimney - Ill explain that on the german part :done:
    Best regards, Björn

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • Ah yes.It will be a Dragon battle of all Dragon battles!..At least I will not have to travel to distant lands to slay this beast, she is in the livingroom :naughty:

    I have a nice storm lantren coming in the post friday..This is sure to wake the Dragon from her layer :naughty:

    Ah no im just joking...shes the best...she doesnt mind what i do as long as its with her!

    Thanks for advise on mantle Bjorn..it worked a treat :hail:

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Hi

    What is Geniol of the Bundeswehr (German Army)...I think i need to get some of that :frau:

    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Hi Michael,

    Geniol was a brandname, it is the identical lamp to Petromax but in 1970 the trademark "Heinze, Wuppertal" bought the lamp-production from Graetz/Petromax Altena and produced now under Geniol, Aida and Hipolito in Portugal, later in China.

    Quality may be a bit lower to Petromax but it is identical in technique.

    Best regards, Björn

    P.s. my little Dragon stands next to me :naughty:

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • Ah ok i understand..There is much to learn..

    Bjorn when you have a moment sometime, you might have some usefull links for some pressure lamp shopping (new and old)


    OCD.. Obsessive Coleman Disorder 8o

  • Hi

    Upper in this thread Benz-ihn told that it is possible to get a little bit more light output from a Petromax by using an elongated Butterfly mantle.

    Could you please inform me where from Europe I can by such mantles? Here in Finland I have not found these mantles.

    Best Regards

  • Hi kentsu - it also works fine with optimus- and Primus-mantles, you should be able to recieve from Tradera for example

    I think this will be easier than getting some Butterfly-mantles from southeast-Asia to finland :done:

    Good luck, Björn

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!