Petromax 500hk

  • Hello,

    My lantern is a Petromax 500 hk made in china. I have a couple of problems with this lantern.

    Problem 1. The cleaning rod part #101 is off center/not in the middle of the generator, when the needle is in the up position it gets bent. What is the best way to fix this?

    Problem 2. The rivet attached to the handle in top of the lantern frame has popped out and broken. I think this is poor manufacturing fault and cant be fixed by hammering it back in, there looks to be not enough metal holding the rivet on when pushed back on.



    • rivet.jpg

      (20,18 kB, 430 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von hangul ()

  • Hi hangul,
    your first problem can be solved by a new injector nozzle. Normally the nozzle leads the needle though the hole, but if the nozzle is somewhat knaggy from the inner site, the needle will bend.

    Problem 2: Never seen that before. Perhaps it could be hard-soldered?

  • Can someone translate the following words into English?
    AntwortEn Zitat. Bearbeiten. Melden.
    antwort. Vorschau. Zurucksetzen
    in this exact order. Please and thank you, m...030

    ...and he guided them with the SUN by day and a PETROMAX by night......Mysticman030

  • Antworten = answer, reply
    Zitat = quotation
    Bearbeiten = adapt
    Melden = report, inform
    Vorschau = preview
    Zurücksetzen = reset
    hochladen = upload
    Schließen = close

    Grüße, Manfred

    :user: Lux lucet in tenebris

    Nicht jedes Licht am Ende des Tunnels bedeutet einen Hoffnungsschimmer. Manchmal ist es auch ein entgegenkommender Zug (M.M. Ronner)

  • Thank you for translating those words.,that helps.
    My apologies for posting under the wrong theme.
    Thx. M...030

    ...and he guided them with the SUN by day and a PETROMAX by night......Mysticman030

  • @mysticman30
    Switch Forumsoftware to English:

    At the lefthand navigationbar, click on "Profil"
    Then click on "Einstellungen editieren"
    scroll down to the before last option "Sprache wählen:" and change to "english"

    Might help you a lot! :D


  • Hello, Armin I'd just like to say Thanks A Million for the instructions,very helpful indeed.
    "You Are Da Man". M...030

    ...and he guided them with the SUN by day and a PETROMAX by night......Mysticman030