Golden Sisters....

  • Gracious I had been struggling with them both,,,the Army one the Generator was the wrong length, by the time that i had figured that out I had reassembled a new control rod with the slitted piece upside down....that meant that I could not open the valve....Also I broke the rapid -starter thread while attempting to torque that somewhat like the generator....OH Dear.....Now that one is started with spirits.... I shall attempt to hardsolder the "anschlusskorper" soon...
    The Civilian Lady , which was my first petromax had a single use type Pump-valve....All my valves needed replaced with Viton which eventually I managed >>>I bought replacement jets from a concern in England ....both of which would not function with the needle...damaging 2 needles....
    At least I have learnt a bit during this process....I am not quite there to my satisfaction yet....Neither lamp however leaks...The army one is fine for petrol....the civilian one I can only burn with parrafin as I made her new viton valve too fat.....Anyhow....I had had difficulties the last 2 years and the Lamps were not burning...till lately, Thank the Gods!

    Mit Bestem,gruss
    Rer.I.Rer., Der Schotte.

  • Thank you, Jurgen
    That does sound like a good idea ,the Alcoho;...I remember seeing in this forum someone who had installed a gas burner with 4 flames which burned alcohol in a petyromax...that also looked very interesting..Here in Britain the situation with Alcohol is a bit more taxed than you , and more restricted kinds of alcohol....the same is true for waschbenzin....although we can get panelwipe Recently on the auction house .uk I saw Hexane and Heptane....but Very! Expensive....Our version of the hefner kerz burned amylacetate. XXXXXXX.Hanfanbau gehört ja hier wohl wirklich nicht ins Forum. Things with Hemp has nothing to do with our themes Eugen j.Keusen I hope that all is good with you and wish you success and a warm winter's season!

    Mit Bestem,gruss
    Rer.I.Rer., Der Schotte.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Keusen (✝) ()

  • Hanfanbau gehört ja hier wohl wirklich nicht ins Forum.
    Things with Hemp has nothing to do with our themes
    Eugen j.Keusen

    Mit Bestem,gruss
    Rer.I.Rer., Der Schotte.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Keusen (✝) ()

  • :frau: :frau: :frau: My Wife has just informed me that for the last two nights there was no smell from my 1960 Petromax 829 burning parrafin.....In the end I plugged the adjustment screw in the mixing tube with exhaust putty where vapours were escaping.Which method I learned from thyis forum, Thank you , Forum....and thank you to the forum hosts who are helping matters move forward!!!!! .....Now the lamp is happy and so is my wife.......Unfortunately when I put in the new viton generator valve I made the thing too thick....thus I am unable to use the rapid......Still I am enjoying starting the lamp with the spiritual start system and I imagine that I shall be happy like that for an while until I want the lamp to be more perfect!!!!!

    Mit Bestem,gruss
    Rer.I.Rer., Der Schotte.

  • You, know ....10 minutes after i posted the above ...that my wife declared the lamp allowed in the house .....I gave the lamp,possibly 10 pumps......a few minutes after that she came down to our living roomand said that the lamp was smelling upstairs, a little. I thought O gosh , no!!1 I knew that I were tempting fate making that post about the lamp being allowed a free access to the house!..Ah I picked up the lamp 500hk (watch my nose does not burn off) and sniffed round and round.....Then I saw a tiny puff of vapour from the control wheel....another puff excenter .....the another control wheel...AH! I went and tightened them a bit harder HEY >>>>>Now she is allowed in the house! My 829B was allowed in, but not this 829....She would smell the smell form Bed "is that lamp in again".....IS That lamp OUT yet!!! :frau: :( .....What a great Gas factory she Is, a Petromax....I am so impressed with the sweetness of function....That has taken me about 3 years of petromax ownership to get me a bit of a beginning and that was already after a year of apprenticeship on a Chinese Anchor Lamp....and twenty years of tilly use although Ii knew a tilly'''' table lamp as a child
    ...twas never litthat I remember was for the "power cut",.
    Thank you..... :merci:

    But Now... :rolleyes: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :rolleyes:
    I give thanks ....I now notice how fine the adjustments can get as the lamp gets nearer to peak performanceW

    Mit Bestem,gruss
    Rer.I.Rer., Der Schotte.

  • Hallo Old Firehand,
    Sieglinde möchte bestimmt keinen THC-haltigen Hanf anbauen um diesen rauchend zu konsumieren,
    sondern daraus Flachsfasern zu gewinnen, diese spinnen und sich eine schicke neue Handtasche zu
    häkeln/weben/nähen, oder? :done:

    Weltbild wieder hergestellt, alles bleibt anders :rauch: :bang:

    Frohe Weihnachten euch allen/ merry Christmas to everyone, Björn

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • An sich bin ich ja hier der moderate Mod :-)
    Aber langsam reichts mir, bleibt beim Thema
    und sucht Euch ein anderes Forum um über
    Hanf zu philosophieren

    Eugen j.Keusen

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Keusen (✝) ()

  • Das ist aber richtig gemein einfach so alles löschen und mir meinen Freund Uli wegzunemen. :pfui: Da sollte man die Mods mal richtig doll :frau: :frau: :frau:
    Jetzt fühl ich mich hier ganz allein, will mich denn niemand trösten? :knuddel:

    Traurige Grüsse


  • Puh und das von dir Kutscher.


    Ach, wie gemein! ;(
    Eigentich wollte ich ja bei einer Berufsgenossenschaft Karriere machen. Aber dann kam dann doch meine schwere und unübersichtliche Kindheit dazwischen. Aber dagegen ist ja bekanntlich kein Kraut gewachsen. Weder Hopfen noch Malz.

    Gruß, Gerald

    Die wahren Lebenskünstler sind bereits glücklich, wenn sie nicht unglücklich sind. (Jean Anouilh)

  • spassverderber
    ihr seid ja sowas von spiesig

    Namasté! :besserwisser: und tschüss...diesmal hoffentlich für immer!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Old Firehand ()