DHR Idealbrenner?

  • I'm thinking about buying a new DHR 20''' Idealbrenner. If you own one, are you pleased with it? Does it produce much more light than a 14''' Kosmos?

    Sorry for the english. I'm swedish.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Spajd ()

  • No, I don't think it makes that more light.
    It will be a bit brighter, but not much, I think.
    It just produces much more heat.

    If you want more light, buy another cosmos burner.
    I always light several small lamps instead of one big one.
    You simply are more flexible.

    Another aspect is the sensitivity of the burner and the wick.
    A cosmos lamp is very robust.
    A Idealbrenner can be just a bit tricky.

    Irgendwie haben es mir die Österreichischen Hersteller angetan:
    Brünner, Ditmar, Halbaerth, Phoebus, immer her damit...

    Beste Grüße


  • I see. I already have a lamp with a 14''' Kosmosbrenner, and I often also use my Feuerhand 276. I'm planning to use a 15''' "Odin" type of burner when I get a new chimney for it.

    But I also want to try a 20''' burner with wick carrier, like the Ideal. So I thought about the DHR, as it's new. If the quality is good i might buy one.

  • Zitat

    Original von manuel
    And I found on the internet:
    A 20'" matador(ideal) produces 30 CP and a 14"' only 13 CP

    Can't be.

    I have had a 15''' Kästner & Töbelmann Radium and a 15''' Karl Holy Volksbrenner
    Both were not even a bit brighter than my 14''' Kosmos burner!
    Perhaps the Reformglas on my Kosmos burner makes the difference,
    But I can't believe that a 20''' Matador should be twice as bright as a 14''' Kosmos burner.....

    Irgendwie haben es mir die Österreichischen Hersteller angetan:
    Brünner, Ditmar, Halbaerth, Phoebus, immer her damit...

    Beste Grüße


  • Thanks Manuel and Sven for the input.

    I have ordered a new 20''' Ideal-brenner and a Carl Holy 15''' Volksbrenner, and will some day compare them to my 15''' Carl Meyer and 14''' Kosmos. I can use a lightmeter for photography to compare the light output. :besserwisser:

    It's going to be fun!

  • I got my Idealbrenner today and tried it. It was difficult to even out the wick, but I managed.

    A couple of thoughts entered my mind:

    1. Is it normal that the Ideal smells more than a Kosmos? It smells like a Feuerhand 276.

    2. When the wick is raised, it spits tiny kerosene droplets inside the glass cylinder. Is this normal?

    3. Yes, it burns very hot, and the burner and wick knob becomes warm. The tank is brass, and it worries me a bit that the kerosene could heat up and, if not explode, spurt up and start a fire.

    It's an interesting burner, but somehow a simple Kosmos feel safer.

  • Ok, this is what I found out:

    The Carl Holy 15''' Volksbrenner is the winner. It's almost one aperture stop brighter than the 14''' Kosmos, according to my lightmeter. The light is also less red and feels better (less strain on the eyes). It burns very clean, with no smell. The only downside is that it's a heavy drinker!

    The DHR Idealbrenner dissapointed me. The flame is weak and reddish, like it needed more air. It also stinks a lot. I had to open the window. The light output was bad. Changing wick didn't help.