Needle mounting

  • Hi,

    I’m new to this forum as I received my new lamp (500) past week!

    I have a problem with petrol coming out from the spray nozzle when I put the lamp under pressure (not very much but enough to dry the bottom of the lamp).

    I tried replacing the needle and I destroyed it as it didn’t enter in the nozzle hole. :frau:

    I ordered a new one but I’m wondering what the right way to mount it is. Should it be screwed tightly or not? I’ve the impression that leaving it some movement helps entering in the hole…
    Another question: is it normal if the petrol comes out from the spray nozzle when the lamp is hot?
    Thanks for your help!

  • Hi Carlo,

    a nice welcome to the forum :welcome:

    Is the lamp new?

    I think you have a problem with the Carebuator bottom valve.

    Normaly if you shut off the lamp they must go out, and no Kerosene is coming out the nozzle.

    The needle must only handtight, but i think you have an problem with the bottom valve.

    Disassemble the Lamp an replace the item #193 , look at the shop.
    You must replace the mercury gasket from the carebuator, too.

    Sorry for my bad English


    Der vernünftige Mensch passt sich der Welt an,
    der unvernünftige versucht hartnäckig, die Welt dazu zu bewegen, dass sie sich ihm anpasst.
    Deshalb hängt aller Fortschritt vom unvernünftigen Menschen ab.
    George Bernard Shaw

  • you should fix the issue if you want the lantern to work exactly as intended
    do you use alcohol for pre-heating or the rapid heater?
    if you use alcohol you can keep the valve open and start pumping just as the alcohol is almost completed.
    BTW - you should use kerosene/paraffin in the lantern and noT petrol/unleaded fuel much safer that way!!

  • Thanks Doron,

    sorry for the misundertanding, I don't use Petrol in the US meaning :-) Petrol is a french/italian word for kerosene.

    As the lamp is new, does someone know how to apply warranty ?
