Barthel N0 160 graphite packing help

  • Hallo Forum i am restoting my first German made lotlampen/blowtorch, every thing is going fine except for a problem with leak at the back of the burner where the regulator spindle is.

    I have replaced the original packing with some graphite tape from Peter bendel,but it is still leaking as it could not compress enough.

    I placed the graphite on the spindle where the original packing was between 2 spacers/washers,the first thinner spacer/washer can slide along the spindle but the thicker spacer/washer at the back of the spindle that the brass nut screws to does not move should this all so move to compress the graphite tape more to make a gut seal, has the second washer become seized and needs to be unseized, the pic shows the spindle and spacers/washers many kind thsnks for all the help