Beiträge von SAI0990


    I have a question that I would like to ask you knowledgeable people to tell me.

    I just happened to get a BAT158 and was wondering about the numbers on the burner.

    This burner has

    [G (or maybe 6) 2 1006 ~]

    Is this an indication of the date of manufacture?

    Please give me your insight.

    Please help!

    Hello, my dear erudite ones!

    I've been thinking about the historic kerosene lantern wicks.

    Why are the wicks of kerosene lanterns made of cotton?

    I thought that if they were made of metal, the wicks would not diminish.

    I wondered if anyone in history had ever thought of operating a hurricane lantern with a metal wicks.

    Let me know if you actually know anything about metal wicks.

    Please lend me your knowledge.

    Baby Special 276-Sturmkappe 72 + 120

    Vielen Dank für viel Wissen.

    Der große Tank, den ich hatte, hatte einen Kern wie auf diesem Bild und ein baumwollartiges Ding war auch daran befestigt Was für ein Material ist dieses baumwollartige Ding?

    Das baumwollähnliche Material war beim Entfernen verrottet, so dass nur der Eisenkern übrig blieb.

    Ist es möglich, ein neues baumwollähnliches Material herzustellen?

    Bitte helft mir nochmal

    Hello, I have a very basic question.

    This is a very rudimentary question, but please help me out.

    I know that Feuerhand 276 sturmkappe comes in various colors.

    I often see a yellow body among them.

    What is the reason why there are so many yellow bodies?

    (used by the military, used for signals, etc.)

    Also, please tell me the type of coloring.

    Please let me know.

    Thank you very much.