Problems lighting Petromax 500 HK

  • Hi there, I am having problems getting my petromax 500 HK to light properly. the rapid pre-heater works fine and get the lamp hot but when I turn the fuel dial the lamp fills with flame and not light. I have checked all the components are screwed in tightly and do not know what the problem might be. Please help!
    Many thanks, gguyton.

  • Hi and welcome to the forums :welcome:

    We do need some more details to help you finding the potential error.

    1st: How long do you preheat with the rapid-burner ? You need at least 90 seconds for the preheating.

    2nd: Which pressure is indicated when you turn the fuel-valve on ? You need at least 1.5 atmospheres.

    3rd: What is the distance between the jet and the mixing-tube. With the Petromax-tool you have an indicator for 500HK.

    Looking forward to help you with your problem.


    si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses