Lead Valve washer removal

  • Hi All

    Another question to the forum - I have taken out the check valve (Part #10)
    But the lead washer(Part #83) is still stuck in the pump shaft
    Is there a good way to take the lead washer out? (from your expiriance)
    or just add another one and seal hard?
    Thanks for any info

  • Zitat

    Original von steelkingdom
    or just add another one and seal hard?

    This isn't a good idea; it's possible that you will get leakages at the sealing. Or you may loose pump way, and the piston will hit the check valve, or may be both.

    Please try to remove the lead seal. Therefore you can try a (flat) hand driller and turn it slowly until it got the sealing out. But be carefully; don’t damage the thread or the sealing surface.

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    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)