Methanol / Spiritus lamp

  • That lamp seems to be not so useful... If you see the results on our Pelammeeting, there we build a 500 Maxe
    to Methanol by just changing the nipple, using an Methanoladapter and filling the vaporizer with brass Gaze.
    After that action, the lamp burns as highlight as with petrol. So why so complicated building a new lamp.
    We use the old ones and can change them from Petrol to gasoline and methanol without buying an extra Lamp.

  • I have not seen the system running. The function if the second helix is to preheat the fuel better. I am not sure if there are any more changes on the lantern, or if only the upper part of the vaporizer is changed. It looks quite interesting.

    But as Jörn said before with the Spirit-device we have you can get the lantern as bright as with petroleum while ruining it with methanol. And you can take the device apart at any time, you do not need a special lamp. Maybe their system is easier to control.... I have not tested it yet

  • I heard that burning methanol / spiritus would have the risk of getting a rusty tank -- or getting trouble with the vaporizer valve (i.e. the spring would rust).

    Would you need to modify the tank, i.e. cover the inside of the tank with a plastic coating?

    If the vaporizer valve is a problem, would it be easy to replace the spring with something that doesn´t rust?

  • Hi Brie,
    The bowl of te Petromax is made of brass (no rust), but the spring of the vaporizer bottom valve is made of steel. So there is a posebillity of rust, but otherwise if the spring is dipped in the alcohol ther is no air attached to the spring and there is no reason for korrosion.

    fröhliches Leuchten

    "Die Zukunft sollte man nicht vorhersehen wollen, sondern möglich machen"
    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)

  • Hi Brie,
    the solution is very simple : Just change the Spring from Vaporizer against a Spring from Pumpventil.
    This Spring is made by brass or brasscovered. Then you'll have no rust problems.