Beiträge von Svenedin

    I'm back. My account was deleted by accident but with the help of Jonas and Bommel I am registered again.

    My favourite mantle from this test is the Peerless 24A but they are not easy to get so second choice is Coleman 1111. The 24A forms a really good shape and has a very fine weave that contains the flame very well. Coleman 1111 is also very good though and not much difference really.

    Thank you Iogear. The mantle is a Peerless 24A, not small. The pressure was good, 2.5, and the light was bright and steady. The gurgling and drawing back of the flame happened suddenly. Yes, perhaps it was dirt -either carbon on the jet or something in the fuel that partially blocked the jet.

    I checked everything and I could find no fault so whatever caused it had gone. The lamp is fine now but I was a little frightened and I don't trust the lamp anymore!

    The lamp that did this is the one in the middle. It malfunctioned a few minutes after the picture was taken.

    Whilst using a Petromax 829 this evening an unusual thing happened. The lamp had been lit for about half an hour and was at a pressure of 2.5 Bar. It was running well. Suddenly and without warning the light dimmed and the lamp started to gurgle and roar. The flame had drawn back into the mixing tube and the mixing tube was glowing red hot. I quickly turned the valve wheel back and forth a few times thinking that there must be some dirt at the jet but it did not help so I released the pressure and put the lamp out. After the lamp had cooled down I lit it again and it behaved completely normally.

    Does anyone have an idea what might have caused this? It was quite alarming and I wonder what could have happened if the lamp had been allowed to burn in this condition for a while? I suspect it would have been badly damaged.