Gaslamps -lighting demonstration

  • Hi,

    very nice Video :done:

    What kind of gas is this? Bottlegas ore natural gas?

    Kindly regards from germany and happy easter..


    Der vernünftige Mensch passt sich der Welt an,
    der unvernünftige versucht hartnäckig, die Welt dazu zu bewegen, dass sie sich ihm anpasst.
    Deshalb hängt aller Fortschritt vom unvernünftigen Menschen ab.
    George Bernard Shaw

  • Thank you , the gas pressure I have handled my modifying the bottle gas regulator.....I took out the spring from the regulator and inserted a strong spring ....then I increased the pressure until all the lamps were showing more or less perfect flames at the burners .....then I decreased the pressure somewhat after i discovered that I was operating with around 48 inches gas pressure and more (I am still using at least 36 inch)..Pressure is very interesting....I am attempting to optimise my jets and burners so that I can reduce the pressure still further but for the moment I have this higher pressure system....In a dutch book from 1941 called "Het Gasverlichting( which is available to read free on Wim van den Veldens website) the author gives the sizes and forms of flames needed for the main sizes of gas -mantles....This book was so important to my getting better results from my gas -burners than the sooty flames and 50% lit mantles which I had before....even my ceiling was thanking the books author to no more soot
    Regards ...R.I.RER

    Mit Bestem,gruss
    Rer.I.Rer., Der Schotte.

  • He Lufthanseat....I am using Bottled Gas at the moment....which of course means more modifying of the old burners than erdgas does....but well this has been good fun!

    Mit Bestem,gruss
    Rer.I.Rer., Der Schotte.