• Hello lantern friends

    I'm new here so let me introduce myself. I am Henk Kloosterman and I live in a small town called Blije in the very north of the Netherland. I'm a hurricane lantern collector for many years. I've been looking on this forum for many times. It is very interesting to see what everybody is cathing on his lantern hunt. I would like to show my latest catch, A Nier lantern from 1912.
    Can anyone tell me how the original glass should look like?

    you can answer in German, I can read it quite well.

  • Oh, die ist schön und in tollem Zustand - ich glaube Wim / Manuel hat auch so eine, da scheinen noch mehr von in den Niederlanden zu lagern :naughty:

    Glückwunsch zu dem tollen Fang :done:

    Beste Grüße, Björn

    God created men.
    Sam Colt made them equal!

  • Hallo Henk.
    Hartelijk welkom op het forum. Je hebt je dus toch aangemeld. :applaudit:
    Eindelijk een "hollander" erbij.
    Ik hoop dat het je hier bevalt en zoals je ziet krijg je meestal heel snel antwoord.
    Wim (Manuel)